Medication Disposal Liners

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We have a variety of sizes and quantities readily available and can also make custom-sized liners.

Need more information about our medication disposal liners? Click Here!

Have a question about our liners or want to order liners? Contact Sales!



Easy Medication Disposal

Our Universal Patented Disposal Liner Systems are DOT, FDA, and UPS® compliant and allow medical facilities to easily disinfect, collect, and ship medication through UPS®. (Patent no. 10,981,710)

No longer do you have to rely on traditional refuse companies or biohazard collection. With our Medication Disposal liners simply disinfect, collect, and ship with tracking available to ensure proper, environmentally friendly destruction.

ARXG is committed to protecting our environment from the effects of improperly disposed of Medication. We take our commitment to the environment a step further by partnering with one of the largest Waste-to-Energy (WtE) facilities, minimizing any impact these items have on the environment.

Looking to purchase liners? Contact sales!

  • Max Return Shipping weight not to exceed 50lbs.
  • Return UPS shipping is only for disposal of materials free of pathogens and transferable diseases.

